校董会和理事会通过了《365bet》, which enumerates the standards to which Board members and 员工s are accountable, 以及对潜在冲突的披露要求.
1. 应用程序
- Article II of this code of ethics is applicable to members of the board of trustees and board of governors of the College.
- 第1号行政命令的规定. 65号法案,由代理州长Richard J. Codey on November 15, 2005, are incorporated herein and made a part of this code of ethics
2. 定义
在本条中使用时, 下列词语和术语具有下列含义, 除非上下文明确另有指示.
“大学事务”指的是任何申请, 奖, 报价, 索赔, 合同, 许可证, 进行, 作出的决议或交易, to, 反对或支持学院, 或需要委员会采取正式行动, 高级职员或雇员.
“Employee” means any person compensated for full or part-time employment 服务s rendered to the College.
“直系亲属”是指配偶, 亲生或领养子女, 孙子, 董事会成员的父母或兄弟姐妹.
“利益”指任何个人利益, 金融, 经济, 物权:相当于权利的财产或其他权益, 优势, share or portion inuring either 直接或间接 to a board member or to an immediate family member of a board member, 单独, 或与本协议中定义的任何个人或方有关联.
“人或一方”指任何自然人, 协会, 公司, 房地产, 伙伴关系, 独资企业, 信托或其他法人实体.
3. 忠诚和独立的义务
A board member’s fiduciary duty of loyalty and independence to the College includes the following:
- To diligently and honestly discharge his/her duties as a board member by attending meetings of the Board, 了解和了解董事会面前的事项,并根据学院的最佳利益使用独立的判断做出客观的决定.
- To place the College’s interests in any 事务 ahead of their personal interests, and attempt to avoid or resolve any potential conflict of interest related to any 事务.
- 为了学院的利益,行使其作为学院成员的权力, rather than in the member’s own self-interest or the interests of any other person or group, 包括委员的委任权力. 对特定项目采取行动的成员必须是独立的, meaning that he or she can consider the issue of what is in the best interests of the College on its merits, 不受任何外来影响的.
4. 保密义务
关于学院的任何信息, 学院事务(定义见上文), obtained by a board member in a non-public session of the Board or in a Committee meeting of the Board, 或与学院官员进行非公开讨论, 董事会成员或受托人, 除董事会成员外,不能向任何其他方披露, 总统, 其他学院管理人员, 如果合适的话, 除非董事会成员获得董事会授权,或该学院事项在董事会公开会议上或由学院正式授权的官员公开披露.
5. 道德标准
- 董事会成员不享有任何利益, 财务或其他方面, 直接或间接, 或从事任何商业或交易或专业活动, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of the board member’s duties to the College.
- 董事会成员不得利用职务之便为自己或他人谋取不正当的特权或利益.
- 在任何学院事务中,如果董事会成员或其直系亲属有直接或间接的经济利益,可能会损害董事会成员的客观性或判断的独立性,则董事会成员不得以其官方身份行事.
- 董事会成员不得受雇或从事任何业务, 事务, 服务或专业活动, 无论是否得到补偿, 我们可以合理地预期,哪些因素会损害董事会成员在履行其作为董事会成员的公务时的客观性或判断的独立性.
- 董事会成员不得接受, 直接或间接, 任何礼物, 较喜欢, 服务, or other things of value under circumstances from which it might be reasonably inferred, 或者董事会成员知道或有理由相信的, is offered for the purpose of influencing the discharge of his or her duties as board member.
- 任何董事会成员均不得在明知其行为的公众中作出合理预期会造成印象或怀疑的行为, that he or she may be engaged in conduct violative of his or her trust as a public official.
- 没有董事会成员, nor any member or 员工 of a firm or 公司 with which the board member is affiliated, 应代表与学院无关的一方出席或谈判, in any matter before the College or in any cause or 进行 involving the College.
- 董事会成员不得使用, 或允许被使用, 他或她的公职, 或者任何不为公众所知的信息, which the board member receives in the course of or by reason of the board member’s office, 确保经济收益, 毫无根据的特权, 为自己谋取利益或工作, 他或她的直系亲属, 或者其他与董事会成员有关联的人.
- 董事会成员应该投入时间, thought and study to the duties and responsibilities of a College board member so as to render effective and creditable 服务.
- 作为个人, 董事会成员在董事会会议之外没有任何法律权力,并应根据自己的行为与学院员工相处, 当地居民, 以及当地社区的各个方面.
- 校董会的一项重要职能是制定学院的政策和目标,并审核管理部门在执行这些政策和实现这些目标方面的表现. 然而, 董事会成员应将教育计划的实施和学院的业务交给学院的校长和行政部门.
6. 披露潜在冲突
- At first knowledge of a 事务 involving the College that reasonably could give rise to a conflict of interest, 董事会成员应向董事会披露董事会成员或其直系亲属在董事会或学院管理部门考虑的任何学院事务中的利益或参与的确切性质.
- 经通知委任或重新委任董事会成员, 总统 of the College shall provide the board member with a copy of this code of ethics. 在董事会组织会议后三十(30)天内, 每名董事会成员应向董事会秘书提交文件, 由董事会指定的声明形式,披露董事会成员与学院有关的任何经济利益或业务关系的性质,或根据本道德准则要求董事会成员披露的其他内容.
7. 执行
Violations of this code of ethics may constitute cause for removal of a board member pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-55 or imposition of other sanctions determined by the Board to be appropriate.
1. 应用程序
本道德准则第一条适用于联邦雇员, 由州或县资助并受雇于学院的人员.
2. 定义
在本条中使用时, 下列词语和术语具有下列含义, 除非上下文明确另有指示.
“大学事务”指的是任何申请, 奖, 报价, 索赔, 合同, 许可证, 进行, 作出的决议或交易, to, 反对或支持学院, 或者需要董事会采取任何官方行动, 高级职员或雇员.
“Continuing outside employment” means outside employment or business activity which requires that the 员工 render 服务s, 提供货物或投入时间在生意上, 专业实践, 或者给其他员工或客户, 在重复的基础上. 持续的外部就业不包括作为客座讲师的孤立承诺或提供服务或劳动力的单一实例. 以下持续的外部雇佣活动的例子说明了本道德守则的意图,并不意味着全面列出持续的外部雇佣.
- A full or part time teaching assignment at another educational institution except for a single or limited number of guest lectures.
- 临床或专业实践(如临床心理学或法律).
- 被任命为学区顾问, 公司或其他公共或私营企业的不确定期限或超过三十(30)天的期限,即使实际时间需求是断断续续的.
- 经营、管理或受雇于任何商业企业.
“Employee” means any person compensated for full or part time employment 服务s rendered to the College.
“直系亲属”是指配偶, 亲生或领养子女, 孙子, 家长, 或者是员工的兄弟姐妹.
“利益”指任何个人利益, 金融, 经济财产或其他权益, 优势, share or portion inuring either 直接或间接 to an 员工 or to an immediate family member of an 员工, 单独, 或与本协议中定义的任何个人或方有关联.
“人或一方”指任何自然人, 协会, 公司, 房地产, 伙伴关系, 独资企业, 信托或其他法人实体.
3. 道德标准
- 员工不得有任何利益, 财务或其他方面, 直接或间接, 或从事任何商业或交易或专业活动, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of the 员工’s duties to the College.
- 员工不得使用 his or her official position to secure 毫无根据的特权 or 优势s for himself or herself or others.
- 如果员工或员工的直系亲属有直接或间接的经济利益,可能会损害员工判断的客观性或独立性,则任何员工不得以其官方身份参与任何学院事务.
- 员工不得从事任何工作或从事任何业务, 事务, 服务或专业活动, 无论是否得到补偿, 有理由预期该雇员在履行其对学院的公务时,会损害其判断的客观性或独立性.
- 任何员工不得接受, 直接或间接, 任何礼物, 较喜欢, 服务, or other thing of value under circumstances from which it might be reasonably inferred, 或者雇员知道或有理由相信的, is offered for the purpose of influencing the 员工 in the discharge of his or her duties to the College.
- 任何雇员都不得在明知其行为的公众中做出任何可能被合理预期会造成印象或怀疑的行为, that he or she may be engaged in conduct violative of his or her trust as a public 员工.
- 任何员工不得代表与学院无关的一方出席, in any matter before the College or in a 进行 involving the College before other public agencies. Nothing contained herein shall preclude an 员工 from appearing on behalf of a student, 员工, 或学院的雇员组织.
- 员工不得使用, 或允许被使用, 他或她的公职或工作, 或者任何不为公众所知的信息, which the 员工 receives in the course of or by reason of the 员工’s office or employment, 确保经济收益, 毫无根据的特权, 为自己谋取利益或工作, 他或她的直系亲属, 或者与该员工有关联的其他人
- The primary work obligation of a full-time 员工 of the College is to the College. 学院的全职员工不得从事持续的外部就业,除非学院首先确定持续的外部就业不符合:
- 构成利益冲突;
- occur at a time when the 员工 is expected to perform his or her assigned duties;
- diminish the 员工’s efficiency in performing his or her primary work obligation at the College.
学院全职员工在正常工作年度的所有持续外部雇佣必须事先获得学院院长或其指定人员的持续书面批准. Where approval is sought for continuing outside part-time employment at another public institution or agency, 学院的批准可能以公共雇主之间就雇员的全职工资分配达成协议为条件.
- 允许的外间工作
- 本道德准则不排除全职员工在年假或休假期间从事外部工作, 只要外部雇佣不构成利益冲突.
- 本道德准则不适用于第N条所定义的外部雇佣.J.S.A. 18A:6-8.1和18A:6-8.2,但须按照本道德守则第5节的要求进行报告.
- 报告继续从事外部工作
- 学院的全职员工应每年以书面形式向其所在学院部门的副校长报告第2条所定义的所有持续的外部就业. 在从事持续的外部就业之前, a full-time 员工 shall report the intention and seek approval from 总统 of the College or his/her designee. For all continuing outside employment for which approval has previously been obtained, 雇员应在他或她打算继续在外部就业的每个后续财政年度开始时向审批官员提交状态报告.
- Reporting of continuing outside employment shall be made by completing the form prescribed by the College. 该表格应包含足够的具体信息,以允许批准官员确定员工打算继续从事外部就业的时间, 如果允许的话, 外聘人员不得:
- 构成利益冲突;
- occur at a time when the 员工 is expected to perform his or her assigned duties;
- diminish the 员工’s efficiency in performing his or her primary work obligation at the College.
- 报告表应包括以下内容:
- 全职员工姓名;
- 计划继续进行外部雇佣的日期和时间;
- 兼职雇主的名称和地址;
- Type of part-time work to be performed; and
- Licenses or other governmental authorization necessary to perform the planned continuing outside employment.